Monday, March 23, 2015


"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Luke 6:38

Now more than ever, the mantra of the day has been to go and 'get yours!'  It's an 'Empire' type of society where life is all about making dreams come true.  And dreams are real, they are precious and are worth struggling for! 

Yet, when one is making the hustle happen, how often does it feel just thisshort of fulfillment?  Maybe because you think it's all about you.  There are some realities that everyone must grapple with as they begin pursuit of their dreams.  The biggest one is that goals for material and wealth possessions are fleeting.  It's true; all it takes is one bad investment mistake, natural disaster and greed on the part of another, that can send one plummeting back down to the financial status they formally possessed leaving them financially destitute!

We've seen it happen before!  

God has a financial plan that surpasses any that man can think of, that is really quite simple: give!

Give!  Straight out of the mouth of Jesus, the text of Luke 6:38, is surrounded by Jesus' words to us about how we treat others!  What we do, judging, forgiving, and giving has a direct impact on what happens to us!  Believe it!

What we get is related to what we give because we do not live in this world unto ourselves, and our very existence is not grounded in our selfish desires to just get and acquire.  

When you are the Creator, you are the master of your created work!  That means you can produce what can help others, because  it's all yours anyway.  We were made to be a blessing to others, not to just reap blessings of our own. That would be God's viewpoint, but God has made life for us so that as we struggle to give to others outwardly, there is a continued divine flow that comes back, often that surpasses what you originally put out. It's all determined by the measure you use!  Little outflow, little inflow.  Generous outflow-generous inflow!  

That's God financial plan and how well we do, is determined by our heart and attitude in giving!

It's a decision everyone has to make; there is no guarantee that the wealth you receive will be monetary, but the rewards are always great!  Ever wonder how some giving people are able to maintain their health? How those same people have great families and children who are doing the right thing? How those giving people are successful in their business and keep moving up in their careers-which in turn produces the wealth and success you are looking for?  Start giving!

Give to your church, charitable organizations, give your time and volunteer!  Give of your talent get on the board of directors of a worthwhile organization!  Give, with the right attitude, to be a blessing to someone else and watch the wealth increase and flow in your direction. If only more of us had an attitude of 'Let's get ours" instead of a me, myself, and I mentality, how much more wealthy the world would be!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The New Thing!

"The Lord says, 'Forget what happened before, and do not think about the past.  Look at the new thing I am going to do.  It is already happening.  Don't you see see it?'"  Is. 43:18-19 CEV

It may be a cliche for some to think about how one might do things differently in the new year.  Some may be jaded regarding making New Year's resolutions, because of failed attempts to keep their resolve in the past.

Suffice it to say, I'm sure that there is not one person who would say that nothing in their life needs to change or be improved.  It is not a secret, that failures and wrong turns in the past often contribute to the desire to make changes, and it is those same failures and wrong turns that can make one reticent about making change for fear of repeating past mistakes.  I can recall times where I dived head first into trying to change things to make up for past mistakes and didn't think about the changes that really needed to be made to ensure a measure of success.  And then there were other times when I resolved to do things differently, at least in mind, but was so discouraged by past failures, that the thought of making resolutions-'out loud' through my actions was absolutely terrifying!

Through the prophet Isaiah, we get God's view on the situation of moving forward. God instructs the people to forget what happened before; to forget the past and not even think about it.  In Isaiah's time and in the context of what was written, the Israelites had once again become oppressed.  And in these two verses, God commanded them not the hold on to thoughts of what happened in the past, because He had a plan for something new!  Though God had delivered them time and time again, He promised that He would do a new thing!  The past miracles were nothing compared to what God would do for His people in the present and future.

Here's very real talk: God knows how much of a screw-up you really are!  Whether you admit your flaws or not; He knows who we really are!  And yet, in His wonderful grace, despite our shortcomings, God gives us an opportunity to forget what has happened in the past; forget the mistakes, forget the wrong moves-the wrong turns, and the missteps!  We do not have to allow our yesterdays hold hostage the potential for today and tomorrow!

God's got a new thing going on!


Sunday, February 1, 2015

A Work in Progress

"God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure He will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again." Phil. 1:6 NCV

Okay, I will admit it, I have struggled  with self esteem and self doubt on more than one occasion in my life.  I still wonder sometimes if I am all that God had in mind for me.  There, I said it, and it's not the easiest thing to say!

In our society, admitting to personal struggles, character flaws, and other vulnerabilities only serve to encourage a perception of weakness.  Yet, when those people who make us feel less than relevant for having these vulnerabilities, or weaknesses, are caught with 'their hand in the cookie jar' for the commission of some sort of  socially unacceptable infraction or crime; all of a sudden, it's convenient to point to their own human frailties.

It is the norm and the usual practice for people to post their triumphs and successes on social media.  I have friends who are 'superheroes' on their jobs and in their communities.  And I so appreciate  hearing about their victories, which sends out a positive energy.  However,  for someone like me, who often feels not so heroic, how encouraging and inspirational to hear from these successful people about the personal struggle that led to the public victory.  How encouraging would it be to hear the backstory, when that superhero wanted to quit, but found the inner strength to continue on.  To share the secret with everyone that there is a potential superhero waiting to be born in each and every one of us!  That's an FB post I'd love to read!

From God's perspective, we all were meant for something greater than the world may tell us, even more than we may believe is possible for ourselves.  It all starts with the firm belief that God created something good when He created you.  It's in the Word!  And Paul lets us know that the work is a continuous action!  The work has a date of completion, when Jesus Christ returns!  Now, if one doesn't believe in Jesus, then this wonderful promise becomes null and void.  One will be stuck believing that he/she will not get any better than what their present condition is.  But for believers in the faith, we've already seen the progress, right?  We know we may not be all that we ought to be, but we give God the praise that we aren't what we used to be.  We know we continue to be under construction with the God given ability to accomplish super things and attain a level of superhero status all while continuing to be a work in progress!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Reward in the Waiting

"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew thy strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint."
 Is. 40:31

Patience has become a lost art for many people, including myself depending on what I'm being called to be patient with.  Whether with people or situations, I am not always successful in depicting this virtue and taking the time to wait.

I call it being spoiled in my inability to exhibit patience.  We do have an instant society, for sure; but it is in the bountiful blessings-at least for me, that lies in the foundations of my resistance to waiting.  I admittedly have taken my God for granted far too many times, just believing I'm going to get my wants and needs exactly when I want and need it.  Then, I sometimes take it to another level and begin to become frustrated at the pace or lack thereof of the things or people I'm looking for.  I don't know about you, but sometimes, these frustrations take on a dramatic form of an unpleasant nature that really is down right ugly! 

There are other reasons though, that make waiting so tenuous for people.  Many of us do not like the tension; the un-comfortability it creates in us, particularly when we don't know what the end result will be.  We sometimes believe that certain things we shouldn't have to wait for, and for somethings like basic civil rights that is true.  And yet, we who are African Americans and other peoples of color are marginalized and treated differently here in the 21st century!  As an African American woman, I could ask 'How much longer do I have to wait?'

However, even in such important human rights matters, there is a reward in the waiting!  I have recently been in a season of waiting in several areas of my life and I cannot pretend that it was anything less than torturous!  Yet, when I stopped fighting the waiting, when I let go of control of the process that I hadn't even realized I was in the midst of, then I received many rewards--even without an apparent outcome in the midst of waiting.  

When I stopped fighting the waiting, I discovered some things about myself.  Beside being more controlling than I actually thought I was, I received the reward of surrender.  I had no alternative but to surrender my all: concerns, cares, anxieties and hopes to the Lord.  When I did, I was scared, but I got permission; I got room to rest in God's presence and care.  It is difficult for someone like myself, as a believer and as a minister to admit that I wasn't wholly surrendered to God, because I still held on to parts of my life that I felt that only I could handle properly.  This was ignorant, but admit it or not, we all have those tendencies.
Another reward in the waiting was the sweetness of depending on God.  Many of us are leaders in some way shape or form, but who doesn't like it when you have an assurance that someone greater than ourselves; who actually loves us will take the lead in your concerns and we can be confident that everything will be okay-no matter what the outcome?

So today, as I am still in that same period of waiting I mentioned earlier, am I any less impatient?  Sometimes; I find I that I do make more attempts to invoke patience in myself instead of allowing frustrations to grow.  But, I am now conscious to what God has for me in the space between expectation and outcome.  God is rich in rewards in the waiting!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

A New Way to Plan for the New Year

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2nd Chronicles 7:14 NIV

As another year in the life came to a close for me, I like maybe countless others found myself reflecting on what was in the year 2014.  And like years past, it was a year like no other; it contained its share of good times, bad times, surprises, and losses.  Yes, these sort of events can be expected every year God allows us to continue to take breath, but it's the particulars of these events that make our lives interesting.

It was an exciting year for me as I've not known before!  It wasn't all just exciting in having a multitude of blessings come my way, though they did.  It was exciting in the not so great times as well.  I made wonderful discoveries that made me smile, but I also made shocking discoveries about myself that I wouldn't necessarily brag about in a public forum.  Yet, still exciting were these discoveries because I was blessed to experience first hand God's presence and movement in those not so joyous occasions.  Don't get me wrong, God has answered many a prayer in my life, but during a crisis of faith, God showed up and answered IMMEDIATELY!  It was what I needed at that time.

As I looked onto the sunrise of 2015, I was reminded to give reverence to whom reverence is due, to truly give in to renewal by understanding that I could not start anew without seeking the face of the One who would ensure that I would actually see 2015.

We are often cavalier about our hopes, plans, and dreams for each in-coming new year, but consider this, is it wise to shut out our Creator, when we have no real guarantee that we'll see it?  Who are we to enter in even another day without humbling ourselves and pray to the Author and Finisher of our faith for guidance on those very hopes, dreams, and desires? I can attest that God has shown me in my life that I need to be in open communication with Him every step of the way.  After all, God knows the future, He knows my future-why would I not humbly come before Him?  

Part of coming to God, is to come before Him in a humble manner; recognizing that on our own we are thoroughly unworthy.  Our first desire should be to repent, to seek God for forgiveness.  If we confess our sins to God, He can ALWAYS be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away.  It's in the Word!  We ought not take this powerful promise lightly; if your life is feeling stagnant you may be in need of divine forgiveness!  

God promised that when we come correctly to Him in humility and repentance, God will be listening,  and we get forgiveness and healing!

It is an incredible feeling to know that God is listening; it's more than a hope, it's a guarantee!  It is an opportunity to have an intimate moment for renewal, restoration, and healing!  I don't know about you, but what better way to start the new year with each new day, than to humble ourselves, and seek the face of the God who holds our future!
