Friday, March 26, 2010

Clean on the Inside or Clean on the Outside?

In the bible text Matthew 15:18-20 it says, "But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.'  For out of the heart come evil thoughs, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.  These are what make a man 'unclean;' but eating with unwashed hands does not make him 'unclean.'"

What's better clean on the inside or clean on the outside?  In our world today we are bombarded with diseases, infections, and viruses that are being transmitted through the air and common interaction-touch!  We look to be clean if we want to stay healthy: we wash our hands, cover our mouths whatever it takes to stave off infection. 

But how often in our words and thoughts have we murdered, been unfaithful, committed sexual sin, stole, lied against, and mispoke against others??  Seems like it couldn't happen, yet I bet at least one time this very day the dirtiness of your heart spilled out or against someone.

Think about it....are you clean on the inside or clean on the outside?

Or are you just plain dirty???   You decide.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010


What holds you together when things go wrong?  Is it a significant other, loved one, food, smoking, drinking or some other habit?

The bible tells us those who are in Christ are connected to the true vine!  And if we remain in Him, He will remain in us!  He will stand by us and He will protect us!

Life is stressful enough, and when everything goes upside down we need to stay connected to a sure source!


Monday, March 15, 2010

Firm Foundation!

What is your life rooted in? If a major disaster hit your life, this day, this hour, this minute, would you be able to stand against the storms of life?

The Northeast United States just got pummelled with rain and flooding this past weekend.  The local news channels have flooded the tv with photos from all over of the damage the rains and winds have done in the area; downed telephone poles, electical power lines,and trees!

No one is exempt from the catastrophes that life can bring us!  Will  you be the one down after the storm?

As for me, my foundation is in God thru Christ Jesus.  With Christ on my side, I have an assurance that no matter what storm comes in my life, I will not be broken! 

So, think about what roots you and is there or if there is anything holding you together? 


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Showing Up or Just Floating?

What is the status of your life right now?   Have you checked in lately?

We walk our walk everyday.  We wake up, we take care of our families, we work, we may worship God, take care of bills, etc.  But have we tapped into our life's passion yet?  Our daily can allow us to float from one day to the next for the most part in a very effortless fashion!

However, showing up, is a little different!  It requires figuring our what's going on in our lives, good or bad.  It means that after we do our evaluation of the state of our lives, we have to decide if this is actually working for us! 

We have to actually make plans for change!  And then an even bigger step, we actually have to carry out the change we neeed!

It may sound a little scary, but I think I prefer to show up in my life, because I just realized just a few short months ago that I had been floating and I didn't even know it!  I want to feel, experience, and deal with life:  its good, its challenges, whatever God has planned for me!

You won't know what's God's best if you allow this world to just let you float thru.  It may be time to wake yourself up and show up to the first day of your new life!
