Monday, June 6, 2011

Assessing Your Reality

"You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free!"  John 8:32

Here's my reality: I am not in a job I love, I can stand to lose a few more pounds, I have a hard time planning for fun things or otherwise because on any given day I'm not sure how my body is going to feel and there are other things; good and bad that are a part of my reality.

What about you?  When was the last time you took an assessment of your present reality?  Now perhaps you feel that you are more than aware of what's going on in your world, but are you really?

Think about all the things in our lives and about ourselves that might need adjusting or to be totally changed that we turn a blind eye to?  

I know that if given the chance, I would do some things differently.  But the reality is, the past is past!  What we once were or did; how we may have once lived may not be how things are now because life's circumstances are always changing! 

So, stop deluding yourself!  Things are the way they are!  Assess your reality-truthfully and reposition your life to what you want it to be!  We all have the potential to be better than we ever were before!

But you cannot operate in fantasy!  Stop pretending to be something that you're not or that you and your situation haven't changed!  Not all change is bad.  And even if the present change is not positive, assess what you can do to fix it!


Friday, June 3, 2011

Solid Rock

Rock is a naturally occurring, solid aggregate of minerals.  In plain terms, it is a sum total a particular minerals.  Pulled together, minerals form something difficult to break. What would be the 'solid rock' in your life?  What or who is the foundation in your life?  Better yet, who or what is the cornerstone that you've built your life upon? Did you know that a cornerstone is the first stone set in the construction of a foundation and is important because all other stones are set in reference to it and the cornerstone determines the position of the entire structure.

The bible says in 1 Peter 2:4-7, "Come to Jesus Christ. He is the living stone people have rejected, but which God has chosen and highly honored.  And now you are living stones being used to build a spiritual house.  You are also a group of holy priests, and with the help of Jesus Christ you will offer sacrifices that please God.  It is just as God says in the Scriptures, 'Look! I am placing in Zion a choice and precious cornerstone.  No one who has faith in this one will be disappointed."

In life, surrounding yourself with smooth and polished living stones to help you stay grounded is wonderful!  But, when you want to build on your support system, think about starting with Jesus, the True Cornerstone! 

When you start with Jesus as your foundation, He helps you discern between the rocks and sand, the smoothed stones and the pebbles. With Jesus as your Cornerstone, you have a firm foundation in assisting you in developing a solid rock support system.


Yet, Still I Rise!

Shattered, but I'm not broken, wounded still time will heal. Heavy the load, the cross I bear; lonely, the road I trod I dare.  Shaken, but here I stand; weary, still I press on!  Long are the nights, the tears I cry; dark are the days, no sun in the sky.  
Yet still I rise!
Never to give up, never to give in against all odds!  
Yet still I rise!
Sometimes I'm troubled, but not is despair!  Struggling, I make my way through!  Trials they come to make me strong!  I must endure, I must hold on! 
 Yet still I rise! 
Above all my problems, above all my eyes can see.  Knowing God is able, to strengthen me!
                        Yet still I rise!   Yolanda Adams

The words to this song have inspired me since the first I heard them.  I don't know if Yolanda Adams penned these lyrics or not.  But the author did a wonderful job in summing up our hard times.  We do sometimes feel like we have been shattered!  We have been wounded by people in this game called life!  We get weary, we cry over the load we have to carry, we're struggling and sometimes trouble seems to follow us everywhere we go!  

But because we have that one mainstay; because God is the same, yesterday, today and forever-we know He is ABLE to strengthen us and Yet still we rise!  

As I sat in my car today, with tears streaming down my eyes, I felt compelled to share the words of this song, and the facts I've come learn over the years: God is able to strengthen, comfort and keep!  With God in your life, you may be at the edge of the cliff, but God is able to keep you from falling!  

Sometimes I feel low, YET STILL I RISE!