Saturday, March 19, 2011


Yes, I said it, MIND YOUR BUSINESS! 

I found myself once again getting that feeling of being overwhelmed over the amount of tasks and duties that have to get done.  All week I've been walking around with my big bag, which if you didn't know, I love my bags!  But, I don't love my bags being so heavy!  Why heavy?  My bag has been filled with files, notes, unopened mail, mail that has to be mailed, mail that needs an answer, books and sermons, and Sunday School lessons.   So much that I have to address.

Yet, I thought about how the night before, I vegetated in front of the television.  I thought about other nights or Saturdays where I had 3 or more hours where I wasn't driving my daughter around somewhere, where I did nothing but watch television or laid in bed.

Now, don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with down time, we all need it.  But I believe that in some of those hours where I did nothing, I missed the opportunity to mind my business! 

So, what about you?  Are you minding your business? 

I think about the Proverbs 31 woman, who is the ultimate and ideal woman who held down her business: she took care of her children, took care of her man, took care of her home, was an entrepreneur!  She was EVERY WOMAN!

But handling your business is not just about being a woman!  Men and women should all be about minding their business so that they can teach their children to mind their business!

If you have time to sit on the couch, leave the tv alone, get on the laptop-pay some bills!  Respond to some correspondence, make that needed phone call.  Better yet, get off the couch, get your workout on, then clean out the clutter: in your closets, desk, in your mind!

Whatever it is that you need to do to further and advance you and your family-GET IT DONE!

Let's stop minding what the soap opera couples are doing!  Let's forget about all the housewives and basketball wives!  Let the guys play their games without you, because guess what?  They make their money when we mind their business!

So you get yours, by MINDING YOUR BUSINESS!


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