Saturday, February 12, 2011

What's for You?

I recently became aware of a performance opportunity for my daughter.  She is in "the business" for right now, and she was quite excited about the auditions and she prayed for a good outcome.  I also prayed, but I prayed in a different way, I first thanked God for the opportunity that presented itself and then I asked that the Lord that HIS will be done!

Yes, like our wonderful God in heaven, I want every good thing for my daughter, like God desires that His people have every good thing.  But by what standards are we judging the things we desire; by God's or ours?

On the way to the callback for the audition, I told my daughter not to tie up too much emotion into this and respond to it for what it is, an opportunity, but not necessarily your opportunity.  If this undertaking, if this opportunity is for you sent from God, you will get it and you will do well with it.  If you don't, then you will know that this was not for you and praise God for His intervention!

We live in a make it happen kind of world!  I've made some things happen that definitely didn't work out for my highest good; certainly didn't reflect what God wanted for me!  What God has for you is for you!  When someone told me that many years ago, I didn't know what that meant because I did all the work trying to bring good things into my life.  But, I was stupid!  I have a God who already said in His word that every good thing comes from Him and He does not withhold any good thing from us, His people!

I think it's okay to have ambition, to aspire to greater things, to be receptive to opportunities, but if it doesn't work out right after you've done all you can, maybe it's just not for you!  Try surrendering your heart, mind, soul, desires, ambitions and aspirations to God, so that He can show you what's for you, and what is not.  At the end of the day, the good things that "I make happen," pale in comparison to the good things God has already promised He has for me!


1 comment:

  1. Yeah I feel much better now. It's hard but God is good. God had a good reason for me not to get that audition. I have to praise him anyway, because I believe he will bring something up for me that will be his will.
