Saturday, February 26, 2011


This post is somewhat late. I usually like to write early in the week, but it was a holiday weekend and I felt compelled to purge-my closet!

And after spending a day and a half wading through such an abundance of clothes, I felt ashamed. Ashamed for the excess, ashamed that some of those very clothes I brought out of impulse and the desire to try to fulfill a need that money cannot buy. And with spending that time purging and organizing, it took time away from needed relaxation and other things I would have liked to have done with that time.

I have found that it is true that once you turn a certain age milestone that life doesn't have to dramatically change, but I think that there is definitely a shift in one's paradigms-standards where some things you just do not want to stand for or continue to deal with.  For me, it's about not being so disorganized that I cannot think.  It's about putting more focus on what's important in life.  

And if you've been the kind of person who has poured your whole self into others, it's time to reevaluate your self care. This is my year in review; I've come to the conclusion that these are not the days to settle, or to be silent. Now more than ever, I've got to be more accountable to God, yes even I as a minister sometimes lets the so-called "small stuff" slip. But sin is still sin! And I have to be more accountable to my family and their needs as well as the ministry that God has called me to.

What about you? As spring approaches and we face another change in season, may it's time to do a mid-year review in your own life. Is there need for an adjustment or a total renovation, seek the Lord and allow Him to lead you through the next phase of your life!

P.S. I can actually walk into my closet! :)


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