Thursday, March 10, 2011


I'm sitting this evening listening to the steady rain and it made me think about how much we need the water.  But tonight, as I think of the rain; the water makes me think about being nourished.

It is said that if one were deprived food and not water he or she could survive for quite awhile.  However, if one were deprived water the individual would perish much quicker. 

A good portion of the human body is made of water, even in the womb, humans are surrounded-nourished by water.

This brings to mind for me, Psalm 1 because those who are righteous, they are like a tree planted by rivers of waters.  They are physically nourished with water; but what nourishes them spiritually is the Word of God!

The more you choose to walk with God; the more the world tries to drain you, weaken you so that you're more vulnerable to sin. But being nourished by the Word of God is the believer's feast!

Learn to listen to your body; feeling a little run down or weak and food is just not doing it for you?  Let God's word replenish your soul!

Jesus said "whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst..."

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