Thursday, April 28, 2011

External/Internal Hunger

In the effort to lose weight, diet and weight loss experts often tell people to ask themselves if they are really hungry or not.

And what is meant by that question is whether or not the individual is experiencing true physical hunger and in need of physical food.or is there something else that one hungers for. 

It is admirable to have goals and dreams you aspire to achieve.  But where does your hunger come from?  Is it an internal hunger that comes from the will of  God?  Is it birthed from the gifts and talents instilled in you by the Creator?  Is it the hunger from within that drives you to want to live your highest life and live a life pleasing to God?

Or do you find that you have a source of hunger that is outside of you, influenced by the world and what it wants you to want?    Think about the source of your hunger and consider where it is leading you.

Jesus said, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?"  Something to think about...

1 comment:

  1. That really is food for thought lol.But honestly we should think about what we indulge spiritually and physically.
