Sunday, January 23, 2011


The perfectionist in me loves to plan.  Over the years, I have invested in planner tools and outlined my activities down to the minute sometimes.  There is something about being organized, from someone who is not always orgainzed that truly appeals to me.  And each day, I look forward to what I have planned on the agenda for tomorrow.  I even jot down what I don't get to today and put it on tomorrow's list of things to do.

I look forward to tomorrow when today doesn't go the way I want.  Tomorrow is the ray of hope when my todays and yesterdays didn't live up to my expectations.

But the bible says in Proverbs 27:1, "Don't brag about tomorrow! Each day brings its own surprises." (CEV)

One of the reasons I love the bible so much is that the truth just jumps out at you; at least it does for those searching for the truth! 

We so often take our tomorrows for granted.  Think about some of the tomorrows that you've lived through.  I can remember this time last year  where many of tomorrows involved going back and forth to different doctors, all trying to determine what exactly was wrong with me.  I can say it now that doctors thought I had a blood disorder.  One of my tomorrows even involved having a biopsy, just to rule out even more serious conditions.  Then, tomorrow didn't seem so hopeful; then I didn't know if tomorrow would bring weakness and pain or if I would have a "good day."

There is definitely hope in our tomorrows, don't get me wrong!  But we must remember that tomorrows are our yesterdays and todays that have yet to come.  So, let's make our todays count!  After all, we are not promised tomorrow. 

So, let's live in today, let's love in today, let's be our best selves TODAY!


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Don't Lose Focus!

I don't know about you, but when a new year comes around, I get reflective.  I take time out and think about how far I've come and where I want to go.  And for someone who sometimes is extremely hard on herself, much frustration comes up.


Well, I think about where I wanted to be in terms of career goals, relationship goals (yes, I have relationship goals) and financial goals.  I want things; some things of a spiritual nature, but there are some things of a material nature too!

I enjoy watching HGTV and I watch the shopping channel from time to time and sometimes daydream about having some of the things I see.  But sometimes it goes a little too far; my goals for attaining certain material things seemed to begin to be more important than my other goals.

I recently told a friend that I was convicted about this and confessed in my prayertime that I had been a bit too focused on the material.

In the parable of the Rich Young Man (Matthew 19:16-24), the Rich Young Man, wanted the right thing, to follow Jesus, he was doing the right thing; he kept the commandments.

But one thing stood in the way of him and eternal life, he could not give up his wealth!

Now I believe that whatever God has for each of us (car, home ownership, lots of material possessions), it is for us no question.  But when we allow these things to shift our focus from the greater and bigger picture of eternal life and our real purpose here on earth, then our material things become a problem!

We were created for worship and praise to the one and only true God!  Our material stuff is just that, STUFF!  GOD THRU JESUS CHRIST SHOULD BE OUR FOCUS!

What do you think?  Do you want to walk away sad from a life in Christ because the pull of the world's stuff is too great?

As for me, I'm hoping God will continue to convict and correct when I lose focus.  I desire to set my heart on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 

After all, we've brought nothing into this world, and we take nothing out...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Earth Holds No Sorrow that Heaven Cannot Heal

I attended yet another funeral of someone I have come to love and respect..  Yes, as with life, there is certainly death.  It is a reality, and those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, we are certain that our loved ones and friends are with the Lord.

But it still hurts!  We still miss those whom we've shared so much: laughs, tears, and daily dramas, up and downs.  There is a piece of our lives suddenly missing and we want it back! 

Can anyone relate to what I'm saying?

Yes, I take a moment to cry out and lament over how much I will miss this person and reflect over the many others I've lost in my short lifetime.  It's okay to mourn!  In my capacity as a minister, I think about how diffiuclt it was for me to fight back the tears today in order to be strong for the family and the congregation. I looked over at my pastor and wondered how many times he had to fight back tears in order to lead surviving families and friends in celebrating the life of the departed.

We can be encouraged that as much as we may mourn and experience the sorrow of losing a loved one, it is definitely true that God can handle our sorrows!  God can at just the right time lift you up out of your sorrows; whether He allows you to wake up in the morning feeling like a weight has been lifted or whether
He sends people into your life that show up with the word or action that can help you feel like you can make it another day, God can and God will see you through!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's a New Day!

Yes, it's been a long time since you've last heard from me.  We have a new look and a new title because it is a new day!  And this day is new year! 

John 8:32 says, "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." 

The year 2011 is about telling the truth, and the truth is, in my world, I experienced many challenges; physically, emotionally, and mentally during 2010.  I may have taken on too much, despite receiving news of a medical diagnosis.  I definitely continued to be troubled regarding stressors on my job, in church and all of those related to raising a teenager as a single mom.

I wanted to feel alive, despite the pain that has come to be apart of my life for this present moment.  I don't own it forever, but I am in the reality that for this point in time it's what I have to deal with.  To feel alive, I piled on responsibilities and obligations, did my best to be present for social engagements.

These things are not wrong, but when used to stuff feelings-pain even, they turned out to be wrong decisons and failed to leave time for the more important things.  These were the truths for my world.

How about you??

The truth of God is this, if we tell the truth, if we face the truth, it will indeed set us free!  Isn't true? :)

How good does it feel after so many lies to have the truth come out!  Doesn't it feel like a weight has been lifted?  Yes, sometimes truth hurts, but in these last and evil days, do you really want your life to be a series of  lies to yourself and others?

So here's some truth from me:  I went on Facebook and posted my hope that those who did not know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior would confess their sins and believe on Him that they would be saved.  Only one person "liked" my posting.  The truth:  I was shocked that there was not more.  The truth is, we do not know the day or the hour of when Christ will return for His own and if you are not ready when He comes, then you will be left behind!  If I sound insistent, it's because it's important, and it is indeed in the Word of God.

The truth is, we are living in times when we cannot afford to continue to live in sin!  2011 is a year to step out boldly and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ!

It's a new day!