Sunday, January 23, 2011


The perfectionist in me loves to plan.  Over the years, I have invested in planner tools and outlined my activities down to the minute sometimes.  There is something about being organized, from someone who is not always orgainzed that truly appeals to me.  And each day, I look forward to what I have planned on the agenda for tomorrow.  I even jot down what I don't get to today and put it on tomorrow's list of things to do.

I look forward to tomorrow when today doesn't go the way I want.  Tomorrow is the ray of hope when my todays and yesterdays didn't live up to my expectations.

But the bible says in Proverbs 27:1, "Don't brag about tomorrow! Each day brings its own surprises." (CEV)

One of the reasons I love the bible so much is that the truth just jumps out at you; at least it does for those searching for the truth! 

We so often take our tomorrows for granted.  Think about some of the tomorrows that you've lived through.  I can remember this time last year  where many of tomorrows involved going back and forth to different doctors, all trying to determine what exactly was wrong with me.  I can say it now that doctors thought I had a blood disorder.  One of my tomorrows even involved having a biopsy, just to rule out even more serious conditions.  Then, tomorrow didn't seem so hopeful; then I didn't know if tomorrow would bring weakness and pain or if I would have a "good day."

There is definitely hope in our tomorrows, don't get me wrong!  But we must remember that tomorrows are our yesterdays and todays that have yet to come.  So, let's make our todays count!  After all, we are not promised tomorrow. 

So, let's live in today, let's love in today, let's be our best selves TODAY!


1 comment:

  1. Yess tomorrows do bring surprises and makes me anxious for a new day. It makes me feel like "Adventure is out there!" Just around the corner and We gotta thank God for a new day and that we go the chance to see a new day
