Thursday, January 21, 2010

Doing What You Love, Loving What You Do

I got so tied up with work yesterday, I did not have an opportunity to submit a Thought for Today!  I enjoy submitting these blogs because for me, it is a part of my vocation: to share the Gospel of Christ first with my family, friends and then to the world!  It is my hope that this blog, though a small part of my ministry, a vital part in order to have a global reach to man and woman kind!  So, until God decides that He wants me to blog full-time, I continue to work the job God has blessed me with.

My situation brings to mind a scripture verse from Psalm 90:17, "And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; yes establish the work of our hands."

When God called me to ministry nine years ago, I had such a zeal to leave the job I had at the time and I dreamed of full-time active ministry and all the good I would do in the name of the Lord!  Yet, God did not provide that open door to walk away from my secular job, and I waited, got frustrated, and continued to wait.

God eventually revealed to me that the ministry He has in mind for me is to let Christ shine through me everyday!  The work God has called me to secular and ministry is a sacred calling.  God will eventually open that door to a clergy position working full time as a Christian counselor, continuing to blog and participating in overseas ministry, but until then I continue to work willingly as though I were serving the Lord Himself and not just my earthly master. (Col. 3:23)

What about you?  Are you feeling a little antsy about moving on to the next chapter of your life?  Maybe not loving what you do right now?  Perhaps feeling like you were meant for more?  Consider asking God to establish the work of your hands and see where He takes you!



  1. Rev. Van. I did not know of your blog. I LOVE IT. I used to feel I had no purpose, I did not like what I was doing at the time, I changed careers many times. I came across the book The Purpose Driven Life (remember our book club?) I got this job now that at first I could not understand why God gave me this one, but it's all clear now. I like helping others and this is what I'm fit to do and do well. I'm now returning to school (because I want to be JUST LIKE YOU)!!

    I must say though that Christ does Shine through you.... I love you and love what your doing.

    Janice Wardlaw

  2. God bless you Deacon, and please share with your friends, it's all about God!
