Thursday, January 14, 2010

Real Wealth

"But godliness with contentment is great gain." 1 Timothy 6:6"

Every night on my way home, I gaze out of the express bus window and see the huge sign set up by the state lottery system  that indicates how much the lottery is offering for the next drawing.  I admittedly allow myself to wonder what I would do with the large amounts of money that are offered.  How my life and lifestyle could improve in certain areas, how I can bless my family and friends. 

In 1 Timothy 6:6-10, Paul writes to Timothy and lets him know that better and more valuable than any money or possessions you may have, with godlieness and contentment there is great gain!  Paul closes this section telling Timothy that the love of money is the root of all evil.

We live in a material oriented world and let's face it, there is very little one can do in this life without money.  But if you have been blessed with reasonable means to make a living, and have what you need to live and support your family why not be content with what God has blessed you with?

How do you define real wealth?  Is it the millions that can be one with the lottery, the massive homes, cars, clothes and all the trimmings?  Or is it the love and care of your family and friends, good health, a job, a roof over your head and safety?

Decide what will be your barometer for real wealth!

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