Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Remembering King?

What did your holiday weekend consist of?  I remember when so many people sought and fought to make Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday a holiday.  I have read extensively about the Civil Rights struggle and Dr. King's involvement and one would have to ask, why did it take so long for the holiday to come about?

Yet, the date was established as a national holiday and there was great celebration and even a popular R&B song was made about it.  We as a people made a great accomplishment!

Fast forward to 2010 and I again ask the question, What did your holiday weekend consist of?  Was there a service or program dedicated to the man that fought so hard for civil rights for our people?  Was there a discussion in the home of how far African Americans have come and where we have yet to go as a people?  Did you stop to ponder in what way have you contributed to the betterment of African Americans or to humanity as a whole?

Or was your holiday weekend a weekend of catching up on chores, sleeping or other mindless duties?

We must never forget that men and women died for us to have what we have!

1 comment:

  1. So true, so true. I am guessing many were catching up on chores and sleeping. I was able to watch many of the programs on television that discussed the State of Black America. I feel good about my viewing choices. On TVOne they interview the President. It was very insightful with rich content that made me think. Thanks for nudging us with your eloquent post.
