Friday, January 22, 2010

Joy in the Morning

Psalm 30:5 says, "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning."

 Weeping, crying or wailing are all expressions of deep sorrow.  It's not a fun activity, and certainly some men were taught as children not to cry, but to "be a man" and deal with their issues.

That says a lot about what the world thinks, but God wants us to express ourselves in all of our emotions!  I dare you to read the book of Psalms and see just how much emotion is expressed from happy to sad,  from peace to anger and every other emotion in between.

Know that you don't always have to put up a brave front!  Someone might need to see you weep, in order to comfort or to know that it is indeed okay to express themselves.  Weeping may be the only way to deal with your concerns!  So if you feel it, just do it and don't stop until it's done because God already promised us joy will come in the morning!


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